Happy Weekend Inspiration Card 9

These days, I'm working on a new business endeavor. I read and learn as much as I can from successful business people. One thing I hear time and time again is that we have to dream big to achieve our dreams. If we hold ourselves back and don't dare to believe, don't even dare to have small goals, let alone big ones, we won't get there. So this is one of my credos these days, one that I keep repeating to myself. DREAM BIG!

Thank you for this inspiration Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill, Leili McKinley, thank you Jon Goldman, thank you my friend Gabriela, thank you Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, and countless others.

Being that I'm from Switzerland, I have to internally fight against our culture a bit. Back home, when one is too proud, too go-getter, it can have a negative image, people may call you arrogant, caution you to be careful and go slowly. It's such a pity, this can hold people back from living their dream! Just because one dares to live their dream and believes in it, it doesn't mean one is arrogant.

Another thing that can hold us back from dreaming big and achieving our dreams is clutter. This week's Illustration Friday theme "clutter" reminded me of this - thank you IF! Indeed, if our mind is cluttered, as opposed to clear and strong, we don't dare to dream big! So here's a wish to us all. Let's go for it! Let's get rid of clutter in our minds, find our dreams and dream big! Let's turn our dreams into goals, our goals into baby steps, and start walking.


Bee said...

Great design, very stylish and really positive sentiments :)

Anonymous said...

great illustration!
yes, let's think big!

Scooter said...

Another great illo on your blog- really nice, love the drawing and design of it. Keep em coming! Thanks for the comment...

Michelle Lana said...

Hey Astrid, how are you? just dropping by and saying hello..cool new work! i"m going back to blogging..I'll try my best to catch up.. ;) Hope you're well. Take care.

Ileana Recommends said...

Love your style, i have problems with my vector illustrations, they don't come put as i want it to :P

Emily said...

For sure Astrid! It's all about that perfect balance of big dreams and the will to take action! Sweden is the same when it comes to modesty and caution...sigh!

Bella Sinclair said...

Such a pretty lady, and such a wonderful inspiration! I think in Asian cultures, the saying is: the nail that sticks out gets hammered back in. I hear you loud and clear. Thanks for the great reminder. Dream big..dream big...dream big!