Happy Weekend Inspiration Card 16

Work like you don't need the money.
Dance like no one is watching.
And love like you've never been hurt.
~Mark Twain
One of my favorite quotes!

The illustration you see here is a glimpse of a design that I created for the German magazine DECO. Can you believe it, there's a gift service that sells Yodel lessons in the alps! That's what my illustration was for. I wonder if earplugs come with the package ;-)


damon said...



i like her freckles

Unknown said...

I really enjoy all your work...this one is so much fun and so lovely with the pink!!

Have a wonderful week!


Bobo said...

She's a happy singer! Gorgeous image!

Michelle Lana said...

HI Astrid...we miss you! Hope you're well...take care.

Emily said...

Hihi… what will silly tourists pay for next! So very pretty in pink!

Scooter said...

Awesome new image! Keep-em coming! Hope work is keeping you busy....

Anonymous said...

Very creatively designed. I always prefer creative designs, especially in my business cards. I get my business card creatively designed from Business Card Ninjas.